Mitre Caldera

Caldera™ is an adversary emulation platform designed to easily run autonomous breach-and-attack simulation exercises. Caldera is built on the MITRE ATT&CK™ framework and is an active research project

Docker Deployment

Caldera can be installed and run in a Docker container.

Start by cloning the Caldera repository recursively, passing the desired version/release in x.x.x format:

git clone --recursive --branch 5.0.0

Next, build the docker image, changing the image tag as desired.

cd caldera
docker build --build-arg WIN_BUILD=true . -t caldera:server

Alternatively, you can use the docker-compose.yml file by running:

docker-compose build

Finally, run the docker Caldera server, changing port forwarding as required. More information on Caldera’s configuration is available here.

docker run -p 7010:7010 -p 7011:7011/udp -p 7012:7012 -p 8888:8888 caldera:server

To gracefully terminate your docker container, do the following:

# Find the container ID for your docker container running Caldera
docker ps

# Send interrupt signal, e.g. "docker kill --signal=SIGINT 5b9220dd9c0f"
docker kill --signal=SIGINT [container ID]

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