Useful Commands

Extract domain users from winscanx dcenum

cat dcenum.txt | grep "Domain Users" -C 2 | grep Username | awk {'print $2'}

extract domain users from enum4linux dcenum

cat dcenum.txt | grep "Domain Users" | awk {'print $8'} | cut -d \\ -f 2

Extract domain users from 'net user'

On the windows DC/DS, cmd.exe:

net user > output.txt

Using bash:

cat output.txt |awk {'print $1,"\n",$2,"\n",$3'} | awk {'print $1'} > users.txt

Add a local user and add to administrators group

net user leon password /add
net localgroup administrators /add

Compile c scripts

gcc -s hello.c -o exploit

If the machine does not have GCC installed, it can be compiled on the attacker machine, taking note of the system architecture first, using the following syntax:

For x64 bit:

gcc -m64 hello.c -o exploit

For x32 bit:

gcc -m32 hello.c -o exploit

Find text between 2 strings

echo "Here is a string" | grep -o -P '(?<=Here).*(?=string)'

Extract email address from file

grep -E -o "\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}\b" file.txt

find users with specific weak passwords from pipal

grep -E '(Password1|Password1Password1|Hire123!|Trucks123Trucks123|PasswordPassword1\.|Service1Service1|Winteriscoming@23|Cryingfr33m@n23|Password1!)' crackedhashes.txt | awk -F: '{print $3 ":" $1}' | sort | awk -F: '{print $2 " : " $1}' > weakpasses_output.txt

Add new entries to password leak (combs) for h8mail

This will take a file with the content format of email:password and then put it inside of the COMBS password leak into the relevant folder structure format.


while IFS=: read -r email password; do echo "$email:$password" >> /Wordlists/COMB/CompilationOfManyBreaches/data/${email:0:1}/${email:1:1}/${email:2:1}; done < your_file.txt


@echo off
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in (your_file.txt) do (
    echo %%a:%%b >> D:\CompilationOfManyBreaches\data\%%a\%%b\%%c

Searching shares for passwords

  1. To find FILES with "password" in the file name, use the find command:

    find /tmp/shared/ -type f -iname "*password*"

This will search for FOLDERS

find /tmp/shared/ -iname "*password*"

This command will search the /tmp/shared/ directory and all of its subdirectories for files (-type f) with "password" in the name. The -iname option makes the search case-insensitive.

  1. To find files that contain "password" in their contents, use find in combination with grep:

    find . -type f -exec grep -iHn "password" {} \;

    This command searches all files in the /tmp/shared/ directory and its su

You can ignore/suppress the 'binary file matches' lines by adding -I to the grep. such as:

find . -type f -exec grep -iIHn "password" {} \;

To read the contents of the binary though, you can simply use 'strings'

strings ./file.msi | grep -i password

strings .file.msi | grep -A 1 -B 1 -i password

Mount the share

  1. Create a Mount Point: Decide where you want to mount the share and create a directory for it. For example:

    sudo mkdir /mnt/netlogon
  2. Mount the Share: Use the mount command to mount the share. You'll need to know the username and password for the share. Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your credentials:

    sudo mount -t cifs //domainserver.local/NETLOGON /mnt/netlogon -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD

    If you need to specify a domain, you can add the domain option:

    sudo mount -t cifs //domainserver.local/NETLOGON /mnt/netlogon -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD,domain=DOMAIN
  3. Unmounting: When you're done, you can unmount the share using:

    sudo umount /mnt/netlogon

Find what groups a user is a member of

It will look like this

User: leont
Group Name: Domain Users
Group Name: LT-SPACE-D-RO
Group Name: LT-Data
Group Name: Site-Halifax
Group Name: XEN-ACCESS


awk -v user="leont" 'BEGIN {print "\033[0m--------------------------------------------\n\033[32mUser: " user "\033[0m"} /Username:/ {if ($0 ~ "Username:   " user) {print group_name}} {group_name=last; last=$0} END {print "--------------------------------------------"}' winscanx.txt | grep -i --color=always 'admin\|'


awk -v user="leont" 'BEGIN {print "\033[0m--------------------------------------------\n\033[32mUser: " user "\033[0m"} $0 ~ "has member: .+\\\\" user {split($0, a, "'\''"); print "Group Name:", a[2]} END {print "--------------------------------------------"}' dcenum.txt | grep -i --color=always 'admin\|'

For loop

for i in $(cat admins.txt); do awk -v user="$i" 'BEGIN {print "\033[0m--------------------------------------------\n\033[32mUser: " user "\033[0m"} $0 ~ "has member: .+\\\\" user {split($0, a, "'\''"); print "Group Name:", a[2]} END {print "--------------------------------------------"}' dcenum.txt | grep -i --color=always 'admin\|';done

Responder - found users unique

find /usr/share/responder/logs -name '*.txt' -newerct 'today 00:00:00' -exec cat {} \; | grep -vE '\$' | awk -F':' '!seen[$1]++'

Query LDAP about a user

ldapsearch -x -D "user@domain" -W -C -H ldap:// -b "dc=domain,dc=gov,dc=uk" "(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname=USERTOQUERY))"

Search for exploits from CVEs

If you export 'vulns' from msfconsole (if you have imported things such as Nessus):

msf6 > vulns -o vulns.csv

You can then extract all the CVEs that are identified using the following command:

cat vulns.csv | awk -F ',' '{gsub(/"/, "", $0); for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {if ($i ~ /^CVE-/) print $i}}' | sort -u

You can go 1 step further and automate Searchsploit to try find exploits relating to those CVEs using my script here:

This is what a found exploit will look like (you'll recognise it from Searchsploit)

or no findings will look like this:

Change metasploit's search

 features set hierarchical_search_table false

Last updated